self-love spell

You'll Need:

  • rose quartz for unconditional love
    (optional replacement: a rose, rose oil, rosewater)

  • a mirror to view yourself (preferably floor length)

  • something that makes you feel beautiful, confident, or loved
    (example: a watch or a necklace)

  • a small taper, votive, or tealight candle to burn all the way down
    (preferably pink or white)

  • pen and paper to write a love note to yourself



  • a candle to set the mood

  • perfume or body spray

  • a romantic playlist


Optional Preparation

Put on some light, romantic music in the background. Light a candle to set the mood, and spritz on some perfume or body spray if you so choose.

Step 1: Ground Yourself

Sit cross-legged (or in a primal squat) in front of the mirror. Take three, deep grounding breaths. Feel your stomach expand, and your shoulders relax. Unclench your jaw. As you breathe in, imagine pulling energy up from the ground and through your spine. Feel the energy fill your entire body. Now, take your rose quartz in both hands, and hold it up against your heart. Take three more grounding breaths while you say the following:

I am loved just as I am.
I am beautiful in this present moment, and always.
I am worthy of all love and acceptance.

Now give yourself a big hug.

Step 2: Mirror Affirmations

While gazing into the mirror, touch and caress your body for 5–10 minutes. You can do this while holding the rose quartz, or without it. Notice what you love about your body. Thank your body for all it does for you. Be specific. For example, when you touch your hands, thank them for allowing you to hold your favorite cup of coffee every morning. If you find yourself criticizing your body, gently bring your mind back to positive thoughts instead. Be kind to yourself. This process may take time.

Step 3: Charge an Object with Magic

Next, pick up the object that makes you feel beautiful, confident, or loved and hold it in your hand. Close your eyes and visualize everything you love about your personality and spirit. Repeat different "I love..." phrases in your mind. For example: "I love that I am a creative person," "I love my attention to detail," "I love my curiosity for the world around me," etc. As you think about these statements, visualize them combining together in your core to form a bright ball of energy. Take another 5–10 minutes to do this. When you are done, visualize all that positive and loving energy flowing from your center out into the object your are holding. Now whenever you see or wear the object, it will remind you of how loved you are.

Step 4: Write a Self-Love Letter

Next, take out your pen and paper and write a love letter to yourself. All of those loving affirmations you've been saying and thinking? Write them down. If you find this weird, imagine you are someone else—your friend or lover. Think about what they might say to you, and write the letter to yourself from that person's perspective. When you've finished, set the letter next to your small candle. As you light the candle, say the affirmation from earlier:

I am loved just as I am.
I am beautiful in this present moment, and always.
I am worthy of all love and acceptance.

Let the candle burn all the way down. As you watch it burn, let yourself fully embrace all the loving energy you have created around you. Notice your breath.

Step 5: Ground Your Energy

Once the candle has burned all the way out, exhale loudly. Place your palms (or your forehead) on the ground beside you. Take three, deep breaths, and with each release imagine all your extra energy flowing back down into the ground. Put your self-love letter somewhere for safe-keeping. Next time you need to feel extra loved, pull it out and read it.